Jake Brenden Taylor
Kimberly Taylor
(424) 666-9606
Los Angeles
Commercial Talent - LA (Commercial Agent)
Neil Kreppel, Sheila Di Marco,
Sarah Angeli
(818) 505-1431
Chop Chop Lead Dir. Rony Patel
Every Heist Movie Lead Dir. Keaton Applebaum
Reunited Lead Dir. Veljko Dronjak
Future Therapy Supporting Dir. Scott Marshal
The Case of Jonas Booker Supporting Dir. Ram Bharwani
Silent Struggle Lead Dir. Gina Casazza
Rockaway Supporting Dir. John J Budion
Fork You Lead Dir. Keaton Applebaum
The Shadow Supporting Dir. Jax Medel
Jacob Lead Dir. Mac Freeman
Ready...Fight Lead Dir. Ryan Turner
Sex Sent Me to the E.R Guest Role TLC Productions
The Living Room Guest Role Webseries
Duffman Promo Featured Television Promo (FX)
Dumbbells Series Regular Pilot
We The Bosses Guest Role Webseries
Clarence Wakefield is
Falling Apart Robert Wakefield The Sherry Theatre
No Need For Words Man Seditious Apostate Theatre Company
I love You, Rob New York Fringe Festival
Petty and Farve
Special Skills
Improv comedy, Live sketch comedy, Sword Fighting, Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator, athletic ability, basketball player, football player (wide receiver and quarterback)
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